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Jerry中国说| 跨越半个地球 我们能从中拉合作中读懂什么?

2024-12-05 19:25:16 来源: 触电新闻 阅读 (12460次)

       跨越半个地球,我们能从中拉合作中读懂什么?而粤港澳大湾区在与拉美国家的合作中又会有什么作为?对此,英国资深媒体评论员Jerry Grey认为习主席的访问具有深远意义,进一步提升了中拉合作的“含金量”。大湾区与拉美国家在科技创新领域紧密合作,中拉合作向“新”而行。
From the APEC meeting to the G20 summit, from Peru to Brazil, what can we learn from China-Latin America cooperation? And what role will the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area play in it?
British media commentator Jerry Grey believes that the Greater Bay Area and Latin American countries are closely collaborating in technological innovation, moving China-Latin America cooperation toward a "new" direction.
“While the U.S. is reluctant to cooperate with Latin America in certain areas, China is actively advancing,” Jerry said. Whether to choose cooperation and mutual benefit is something that, he believes, the people of Latin America already have a clear answer.